This page was last updated on: February 7, 2007
Fiddridge. He is the pretty male. Can't stand to be hugged, but craves attention. He loves Russ and beats every one eles up.
Laerry.  Loves hugs. She is insecure but sweet.
If she could have it her way, she would be with me all day getting snuggled and her neck scratched. She loves big hugs.  ;0)
The finches!
There is a new light cinnamon girl and a really cute boy.
The new guys fly from cage to cage while the two girls I have had for a while prefer to stay in the cage and only leave occasoinally.

The new guys are very outgoing and are fast learners.
You can see Abercrombie, the white finch holding on to the side of the cage inside.
The boy is just kind of sitting on the perch in the cage.

As you can see, that cinnamon girl let me go right up to her to take the picture. She has little fear of humans. She looks very relaxed.
There they are, on the bookshelf, NOT in the cages as most birds are.
They sleep ON the cages, BESIDE the cages but don't go inside most of the time.
Those are just the kids though. The adults spend a lot of time in the bottom cage.